Rolling TRC Plan Review
Effective January 2025, applications reviewed and decided by the county’s Technical Review Committee (TRC) may be submitted as a rolling submittal. These applications include Major Site Plans, Construction Drawings and Final Plats. Staff will manage the review and permitting decisions for these submittals subject to the following procedures:
Applications may be submitted at any time (please note that Major Site Plans require a pre-application conference prior to submittal). Prior to initiating reviews, staff will review the applications for completeness and any associated fees shall be paid. Once the application is determined to be complete and fees are paid, staff will distribute the application and plans to the TRC for review.
Any resubmittals will be subject to completeness review prior to re-distribution to the TRC.
This change is being implemented to assist the public with a more efficient permitting process.
The following documents related to the review are provided below in downloadable Portable Document Format (PDF) for review by TRC members only.