Currituck County Government working in coordination with the Currituck Historical Society to provide data of Currituck County war veterans.
The Phase 1 of the project focused on compiling a complete list of civil War veterans and Phase 2 created a list of veterans from the War of 1812. Occasionally check back, the information on this page will be amended as further research is complete and veterans information is submitted.
Civil War
The initial phase of the project was focused on veterans of the Civil War who were born or lived in Currituck County. The collection is a wealth of information about the veteran such as; the age they enlist, who survived the war, and what their occupation was before they enlisted, plus much, much more.
War of 1812
The second phase of the project was documenting the veterans from the War of 1812. The information on the War of 1812 is not as detailed as the Civil War, but during Vickie Gallimore research she found some interesting facts, such as:
- Several of the war veterans were brothers and/or relatives.
- A copy of the Quidley’s father’s will dated 1799 verifies that the Quidley’s were all brothers from “Hatteras Banks, Currituck County. “
During the War of 1812 Governor Hawkins wrote Colonial Brickhouse Bell, commander of the Currituck militia “You are well aware that the sea-board of our State is so very extensive, that ample protection at every point cannot be afforded to the citizens residing near it…Therefore should the enemy make predatory invasions. the local Militia must immediately give their aid to the Detachment in repelling them. I feel sensibly for the situation of the people of your County and rely much upon their ability and exertions to drive to their boats those plundering parties by which they expect to be visited.” (Thomas, Destitute Patriots, page 53)
Also written the militia were “short of arms, scarce of ammunition and (had) no provisions” (Thomas, page 79)
Submit Veteran Information
Veterans and citizens with knowledge of Currituck County veterans can submit information by:
- Completing the online form
- Mail the form (PDF) to:
County Manager’s Office
153 Courthouse Road, Suite 203,
Currituck, North Carolina, 27929 - Email the form
- Fax a form (PDF) to 252-232-3551
Use a new form for each veteran.
Veteran Information
- Submitted Veterans Information
- World War I
- War of 1812 (PDF) – Compiled by Barbara Snowden
- Civil War (PDF) – Compiled by Barbara Snowden