Does Composting Smell?
No, a properly balanced compost pile should not smell. Adding “browns” and mixing your pile solves most odor issues.
How long before I can harvest compost?
Look for a dark brown, crumbly material at the bottom of your pile in six to 12 months.
How moist should my pile be?
Keep contents moist, like a damp sponge, but not soggy.
How do I keep critters out of my pile?
Leave meat, dairy, oil and fat out of your pile and cover the top with a layer of “browns.”
How can I get rid of fruit files in my house?
Empty kitchen container at first sight of fruit flies.
How can I speed up the process?
Chop large materials into smaller pieces, mix pile once a week by moving
material from outside to the center and toss in a handful of soil to introduce more microorganisms.
What should I look for in a good compost bin?
A locking lid, round shape for easy compost removal, side ventilation and a harvest door at the base.