Jul 08,2024

To address some serious solid waste concerns in Corolla, the County has made some recent changes to the Solid Waste Ordinance, which are effective now and fully enforceable by the County. Below are the new sections of the ordinance specifically applicable to the Single Family Residential – Outer Banks (“SFO”) zoning district and the Single Family Residential- Outer Banks Remote (“SFR”) zoning district.

Sec. 11-28. – Frequency of removal; SFR zoning district.

The owner, occupant, tenant or lessee of any property in the SFR zoning district as defined in Section 3.16 of the Currituck County UDO shall remove or cause to be removed all solid waste from his or her property at least two times each week (seven-day period). Residences containing ten or more bedrooms shall remove or cause to be removed all solid waste from his or her property at least three times each week (seven-day period).

Sec. 11-29. – Enclosure of roll-out carts; SFR zoning district.

  • The owner of any property in the SFR zoning district shall construct an enclosure in which to store solid waste receptacles. Such enclosure shall be four-sided and constructed of wood, concrete, block, brick or other material as approved by the building inspector. Such enclosure shall allow for ventilation and accessibility by the sanitation company. The enclosure shall be placed within four feet of the right-of-way. The enclosure shall be constructed within 60 days of the adoption of the ordinance from which this section derives.
  • This section shall only apply to those owners, occupants, tenants, or lessees utilizing a commercial service pick-up. Any owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee disposing of his or her own solid waste at a county solid-waste facility shall not be required to construct an enclosure in which to store solid waste receptacles.
  • The enclosure shall be non-reflective, non-shiny black or brown or green structure resistant to rust, corrosion, or rapid deterioration, with a bottom and sides that are of sufficient size and strength to prevent wind, animals, or fowl from spilling solid wastes from the receptacles stored therein. Said enclosed area shall be constructed so as to keep the bottom of the receptacles off the ground and shall have a cover over the top of the structure to prevent animals from getting into the receptacles. This enclosed structure must be one which is:
  • Specifically designed and marketed by its manufacturer as being animal proof or animal resistant by virtue of containing qualities and features specifically designed to prevent animals from accessing its contents; or
  • Is approved by the public works director or his or her designee as having sufficient animal resistant qualities or features.
  • More information and examples of enclosures
  • Solid waste receptacles that meet the requirements of this ordinance need not be placed in an enclosed structure if they are placed curbside no earlier than 6:00 a.m. the morning of trash pickup, except that the public works director or his or her designee may require a solid waste receptacle that otherwise meets this requirement to be placed within the enclosed structure if its contents are spilled on more than one occasion. Solid waste receptacles not placed within an enclosed structure shall be removed from the curb by the property owner by the end of each day of trash pickup.
  • Any enclosed structure or solid waste receptacle that does not meet the requirements of this ordinance on or before January 1, 2024 shall be excluded from- and ineligible for- receiving any contracted solid waste disposal service from the County of Currituck.
  • Any enclosed structure that has become dilapidated, rotten, rusted, or fallen into a state of disrepair or disuse shall be removed from the property by the property owner.
  • Civil penalty. Any person who is found in violation of this chapter shall be subject to a civil penalty of not to exceed $500.00 as provided in G.S. § 153A-123. Each day’s violation shall be treated as a separate offense.


Sec. 11-30. – Solid waste containers in the SFO and SFR districts.

Every residential unit in the SFO and SFR districts as defined in Sections 3.12 and 3.14 of the Currituck County UDO where solid waste exists shall provide a sufficient number of containers for each residential unit in which shall be deposited all solid waste existing or generated at such premises. All containers must meet the requirement of this ordinance and the requirements of the solid waste collection agency. Furthermore:

(1) Each residential unit in said SFO and SFR districts must have a minimum of four containers. Each residential unit container in the SFR district shall not exceed 40 gallons in capacity.

(2) Each residential vacation rental unit in said SFO and SFR districts must have one container for each bedroom in the residential vacation rental unit with a minimum requirement of four containers and a maximum requirement of ten containers.

(3) For purposes of this section, a bedroom is any room which provides a facility for sleeping, including, but not limited to day beds (or other convertibles), sleeper sofas or couches, hide-a-beds, cots, roll-away beds or cribs.

Anyone with questions may contact Public works at 252-232-2075.