Inventory of Historic Properties
The Historic Preservation Commission has adopted an inventory of properties (buildings, structures, sites, areas, or objects) of historical, archaeological, architectural and/or cultural interest that it will use as a guide in the identification, assessment, and designation of local historic landmarks.
Our Geographic Information Services (GIS) map of Currituck County Historic Preservation Data Viewer has more search functions than the map above.
The adopted inventory consists of:
- Currituck County Adopted Inventory of Historic Properties
- National Register of Historic Places: Section E – Geographical Overview Narratives by Meg Green Malvasi (PDF)
- National Register of Historic Places: Section F – Property Types Narratives by Meg Green Malvasi (PDF)
- 2003 Currituck Banks, North Banks Survey and Roanoke Island Architectural Survey Report by Penne Smith Sandbeck (PDF)
If you are unsure if your property is included in the inventory or if you would like to have your property included in the inventory, please contact the Planning & Inspections Department at 252-232-3055 or email Jennie Turner.