Employee Wellness Committee
The Wellness Committee has been around for several years and is made up of representatives from various departments. The committee meets every month, usually on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. in the Cooperative Extension Building.
The goal of the committee is to promote health and fitness among our county employees. Healthier employees make for more productive employees. Becoming healthier and fit decreases insurance claims and time away from work, which is good for the County and especially good for the individual employee.
If your department is not represented on the committee, please talk with your Department Head about designating a representative. The committee welcomes input from all the employees.
Meeting Dates
The committee meets every month, usually on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. in the Cooperative Extension, Currituck County Center building.
January 8
February 12
March 12
April 9
May 2 | Friday – Health & Fitness Day
June 11
July 9
August 13
September 10
October 8
November 12
December 10
Wellness Committee
Amy Underhill
Melissa Futrell
Sean Wright
Stacey Smith
Dawn Hamilton
Morgan Johnson
Brenda Miller
Patricia Sansotta
Kaye Beasley
Mary Beeghly
William Nelson
Rachael Stone
Olivia Doherty
Jessica Timmons
Renita Wilson
Kimberly Twine
Lauren Sawyer
Samantha Evans
Heather Petherbridge
Deanna Spruill
Debra Embrey
Albemarle Regional Health Services
Human Resources Director
Parks and Recreation
Planning & Inspections
Senior Services
Sheriff’s Office / Detention
Human Resources
Travel & Tourism
Animal Services & Control
Emergency Management
County Manager
Detention Center
Department of Social Services
Public Works
Cooperative Extension
Information Technology Services
If you are interested in representing your department on the Wellness Committee please contact Melissa Futrell by email or call 252-232-3228.
Special Thanks
The Wellness Committee members would like to offer special thanks to the following people for their help with the Incentive Awards Program:
Rebecca Gay
County Manager