Currituck County Board of Elections announces the Voter History Stats Precinct and Party Voted Statistics (PDF) for the North Carolina Primary Election held on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

(Stats in partisan elections are by party voted and in non-partisan they represent registered party)

Updated March 21, 2024

Table Abbreviation

Cst = Constitution
Dem = Democratic
Gre = Green
Lib = Libertarian
Nlb = No Labels
Rep = Republication
Rfm = Reform
Una = Unaffiliated

Amer.  Ind. =  American Indian
Asian = Asian
Black =  Black
Multi Racial = Multi Racial
Other = Other
Pacific Isl. = Pacific Island
White = White
Undes. = Undesignated
Female = Female
Male = Male
Undes. = Undesignated

PrecinctTotal Voters CstDemGreLibNlbRepRfmUnaOtherAmer.
AsianBlackMulti RacialOtherPacific Isl.WhiteUndes.FemaleMaleUndes.
Carova Beach112010000102000000010104754535
East Moyock8210102010718000124021707342938441720
Gibbs Woods96090108600000100095044520
Indian Ridge45506301039100010260404131122521713
Knotts Island3420400602960000200303231616916211
Poplar Branch1,1460171030972000342272001,0465555854147
Powells Point51609502041900020112204802126223123
West Moyock9130139060768000245742207963643944430
Grand Total:6,378089702905,4520001320192169605,8542233,1263,045207