Sealed bids for the “Currituck County Parks & Recreation Storage Facility” was received by Currituck County until 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 3, 2014 on the 2nd floor of the Historic Currituck County Courthouse (Commissioners’ Meeting Room) located at:

153 Courthouse Road,
Currituck, North Carolina  27929

and then publicly opened and read. The scope of work for this project will include site clearing and construction of a building with concrete and gravel parking lot, security fencing, watermain extension and sewer pump station and force main off College Way in Currituck County, North Carolina.

Sealed bids may also be mailed to:

Eric T. Weatherly, PE,
County Engineer, Currituck County,
153 Courthouse Road, Suite 302,
Currituck, North Carolina, 27929.

It is the bidder’s responsibility; however, to make sure that the bid is received at the bid opening location.

The Contract Documents, Contract Drawings and Specifications will be available on Friday, May 2, 2014 and may be reviewed at the following locations:

  1. Hyman & Robey, PC, 150 US Hwy. 158 E, Camden, North Carolina
  2. Builders & Contractors Exchange, Inc., 1118 Azalea Garden Road, Norfolk, Virginia
  3. North Carolina Institute of Minority Economic Development Center, 114 W. Parrish Street, Durham, North Carolina
  4. Carolinas AGC on-line plan room at on IBuild.

Each bid must be accompanied by cash or a certified check, drawn on a bank or trust company authorized to do business in North Carolina, payable to the County of Currituck in an amount at least equal to 5% of the total amount of the bid, as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into. In lieu of cash or a certified check, the Bidder may submit a bid bond in the form prescribed in G.S. 143-129 as amended by Chapter 1104 of the Public Laws of 1951.

There will be a pre-bid conference on Monday, May 12, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the County Engineer’s Office which is located adjacent to the Historic Currituck County Courthouse at 153 Courthouse Road, Currituck, North Carolina. Attendance at the pre-bid meting is not required for BID submissions.
