Sealed bids was accepted until 3:00 p.m., Monday, February 24, 2014, at the

Currituck County Manager’s Office
153 Courthouse Road, Suite 204
Currituck, North Carolina 27929.

All bids are to be sealed and marked “Sealed Bid – Beach Clean Up Service. Bids will be opened and read for the following services:

Beach Clean Up Service Contract  

  • South Currituck Beach Strand extending from the Dare County line on the South and the horse fence on the North
  • Trash Service
  • Tag/Removal Service
  • Disposal of Trash and Unclaimed Items

This will be an informal bid. The bids will be evaluated and contract will be awarded in accordance with the statutory requirements.

Small Business Entities, Women Owned Businesses and Minority Owned Businesses are encouraged to submit bids. The county reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept such bids as appears in its judgment to be in the best interest of the County. The County reserves the right to waive any informality.

Any questions, problems, or suggestions please contact:

Eileen Wirth
Currituck County Manager’s Office
153 Courthouse Road, Suite 204
Currituck, NC 27929
Phone: 252-232-2075
