Planning & Zoning
Documents & Plans
Imagine Currituck
The Coastal Area Management Act requires each of the 20 coastal counties in North Carolina to produce and adopt a local land use plan that sets forth policies for growth. The Imagine Currituck 2040 Vision Plan (PDF) satisfies this requirement for Currituck County.
Albemarle Regional Bike Plan
The Albemarle Rural Planning Organization, with the support of counties and towns throughout the Albemarle region, has developed a Albemarle Regional Bike Plan (PDF).
Part of the Bike Plan is the recommendation of unified Wayfinding Signage Design Guidelines (PDF) for the region.
Comprehensive Transportation Plan – 2012
The Comprehensive Transportation Plan (PDF) is a long-range, multi-modal transportation plan developed cooperatively between Currituck County, Albemarle Rural Planning Organization, and North Carolina Department of Transportation. The plan emphasizes incorporating local land use plans and community goals.
Connect Currituck – Pedestrian Master Plan
Currituck County and the North Carolina Department of Transportation worked together to develop a Currituck Pedestrian Master Plan (PDF) to improve walking conditions throughout the county. The vision of the plan is for Currituck to be a destination where pedestrian connectivity and access is provided to people of all ages, abilities and socioeconomic backgrounds and where walking is encouraged and supported to create a healthy, prosperous and livable Currituck for residents and visitors alike.
Community input and support was gathered from a steering committee, public outreach events, an on-line survey and focus group meetings on mainland Currituck and Corolla. Through these inputs, priorities for projects, programming and policies were identified for improving the pedestrian experience from both an environmental and cultural perspective through infrastructure investments, education and other strategies. These priorities are outlined in a Connect Currituck presentation (PDF).
Connecting Corolla – 2013
Connecting Corolla Bike, Pedestrian, Access, & Wayfinding Plan (PDF) explores and examines the existing infrastructure and facilities along with community needs and recommends policies and enhancement to:
- Improve overall safety between destinations;
- Increase mobility for all modes of transportation; and
- Enhance the overall sense of place, feel, and quality of life.
Corolla Village Circulation and Wayfinding Plan – 2014
The goals of Corolla Village Circulation and Wayfinding Plan (PDF) are to improve mobility and accessibility for all modes of transportation, improve safety by reducing pedestrian-cyclist-car conflicts, increase the number of people biking and walking, improve resident and visitor experience, and protect and enhance the ecological and historic integrity of the Village.
The plan looks at all modes of transportation and wayfinding within the Corolla Village area and suggests improvements to address transportation issues for the many vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians that are found in the area during the summer months. Recommendations for wayfinding include signage to assist people in orientating themselves, moving safely, and locating designations in the village.
Corolla Village Small Area Plan – 2011
The Corolla Village we know today is very different from that of the past. Corolla Village has evolved and grown dramatically over the past century. However, the imprint of the past is obvious in what remains today. This interplay of past and present is distinct from other Outer Banks Communities.
This Small Area Plan (SAP) examines unique issues, concerns, and aspirations of this community and works to establish public policy that will help achieve the vision for the area. The SAP includes policies that will address the environment, land use, economic development, community heritage and sense of place, and transportation.
The goal of the Corolla Village Small Area Plan is to balance growth in a way that preserves the physical and natural environments that make Corolla Village distinct from other coastal communities. This includes anticipating the impacts of future development, protecting natural resources, preserving the coastal village feel, and maintaining a high quality of life for current and future residents.
Corridor Plan – 1994
The 1994 Corridor Plan (PDF) identified and examined the impact of future development along NC 168 and US 158 (Caratoke Highway). The goal of this planning document is to encourage development patterns that enhance community appearance, promote economic development, and provide for the safe and efficient movement of traffic.
The Plan was prepared for the Board of Commissioners by a 15 member citizen committee, with the support of the Planning & Inspections Department.
Flood Insurance Study
This county-wide Flood Insurance Study (FIS) Report (PDF) was produced through a unique cooperative partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The State of North Carolina has implemented a long-term approach to floodplain management to decrease the costs associated with flooding. As a part of this effort, the State of North Carolina has joined with FEMA in a Cooperating Technical State (CTS) agreement to produce and maintain this FIS Report and the accompanying digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for North Carolina.
Water Quality Enhancement Study
Water Quality Enhancement Study (PDF) identifies land parcels within Currituck County that have a potential to improve water quality through land conservation and restoration efforts. Protecting the health and cleanliness of surface waters is important to all residents, and this study will guide county officials in ranking properties that might eventually be placed in conservation.
This report was funded through grants obtained by the North Carolina Coastal Federation and North Carolina Coastal Land Trust.
The Dune Book
The Dune Book (PDF) is provided by North Carolina Sea Grant as an informational guide to maintaining and preserving ocean-side dunes. This document discusses erosion factors, dune vegetation and dune management practices.
Parks and Recreation Master Plan
The Parks and Recreation Master Plan (PDF) assessed existing park facilities, identified future recreation needs and developed a plan of action to meet the recreation needs of the citizens and visitors of Currituck County