Fire Inspections
Information & Scheduling
North Carolina General Statutes state that Fire Code Inspections are required as follows:
Fire Inspections Schedule
Once Every Year
Occupancy Classification ClassificationHazardous
Institutional (hospitals, jails etc.)
High-rise (buildings > 4 stories)
Assembly (except those listed in the three year inspection cycle). (restaurants, churches, banquet halls, night clubs, theaters etc.)
Residential (except one and two family dwellings) and only interior common areas of dwelling units of Multi-family occupancies. New and existing lodging establishments, including hotels, motels and tourist homes that provide accommodations for 7 or more continuous days (extended-stay establishments), bed and breakfast inns and bed and breakfast homes as defined in General Statute 130A-247 for the installation and maintenance of carbon monoxide alarms and detectors in accordance with General Statute 143-138(b2).
Once Every 2 Years
Occupancy Classification ClassificationIndustrial
Educational (except public schools which are inspected by General Statutes every six months).
Once Every 3 Years
Occupancy Classification ClassificationAssembly occupancies with an occupant load less than 100
Business (offices, barber shops, banks, post office, etc.)
Mercantile (drug stores, markets, gas station, dollar type stores)
Miscellaneous Group U occupancies.