The Currituck County Board of Commissioners took its first steps towards developing a Strategic Plan during its retreat on February 4, 2025. Working as a group, the commissioners crafted a Mission Statement and Vision Statement, and determined Core Values that will guide decision making.
The Board of Commissioners adopted the following during its regular meeting on February 17, 2025:
Mission Statement:
“Currituck County is committed to preserving our heritage and providing quality services while maintaining a safe, healthy and thriving community for all.”
Vision Statement:
“A sustainable, economically diverse environment that preserves natural resources and strengthens livelihoods.”
Core Values:
Stewardship, Sustainability, Transparency, and Flexibility
Forming a Strategic Plan is a key initiative of the Board of Commissioners. The process of developing a Strategic Plan will lead the Board to a shared vision that guides decision-making, aligns resources with priorities, and provides direction for work plans.
Future steps in the Strategic Plan development process will include identifying long-term goals and short-term action strategies. The public will be engaged through online information and future town hall meetings. As information related to the Strategic Plan is developed, it will be publicly announced and maintained on the Currituck County website.

Commissioners and county staff discussed the Strategic Plan development during the Board Retreat on February 4, 2025, at the Public Safety Center.