Insure Your Property
Before The Storm

Currituck County participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).  The National Flood Insurance Program provides federally backed flood insurance within communities that enact and enforce floodplain regulations.  The regulations are intended to minimize the potential for flood damage in the future.

Showing a flooded living room. Writing on the photo say - Flood insuracne is a drop int eh buccket compared to the cost of flood damage. Check your coverage today. #BeInformed Ready goverment icon.Currituck County floodplain management regulations are found within Chapter 7, Section 7.4:  Flood Damage Prevention of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).

Traditional homeowners insurance does not cover damages caused by floods.  Additionally, flood insurance is required by law for federally backed mortgages.  The cost of insuring a property varies depending on the:

  • flood zone
  • elevation of the structure
  • and age of the structure.

Building coverage and content coverage are different and have different deductible levels.  Renters living in a building located in a flood zone are eligible for contents coverage since the building owners’ policy will not cover tenants’ contents loss.

Contact any licensed property or casualty insurance agent or broker to learn more about obtaining flood insurance.  There is a 30-day waiting period between the purchase of flood insurance and the beginning of coverage so don’t wait until there is a storm off the coast to obtain a policy.

FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program can answer all your flood insurance questions.

Community Rating System

The Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary program within the National Flood Insurance Program that provides incentives in the form of flood insurance premium discounts to participating National Flood Insurance Program communities.

Currituck County has participated in Community Rating System since 1993.  The County is currently ranked as a Class 6 community which provides a 20% discount on flood insurance premiums to properties located within Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) and 10% for Non-SFHA.

Important Facts About Flood Insurance
  • Flood insurance is paid for by policy premiums, not tax dollars.
  • Single-family homes or other residential structures are limited to $250,000 in building coverage.  Contents coverage is limited to $100,000.
  • You can obtain flood insurance no matter where you live in Currituck County, with the exception of the 4-wheel drive area.  Properties built after October 1, 1983 within the 4-wheel drive area are not eligible for federally backed flood insurance due to Coastal Barrier Resources System designation.
  • You can get flood insurance if your property has previously flooded.
  • You can obtain flood insurance even if your mortgage broker does not require it.
  • Contact the Planning Department for names of local insurance agents who may assist you with obtaining flood insurance.
  • Both Owners and Renters should purchase flood insurance for their contents.