Blue outline icon with flooding lines and thunder and lighting cloud.
Flood Hazard

Flooding is the nation’s most common natural disaster.

Flood Insurance

Insure your property for flood hazard with federally backed flood insurance.

Blue Training with wavy lines in it.
Flood Warning Systems

Learn how to find out about flood warnings.

Flood Safety

Floods can happen anytime, anywhere.  Make sure you are prepared!

Blue icon of beach house on stilts
Flood Mitigation

Learn how to reduce or eliminate flood damages.

blue outline of ruler, pencil and house for icon.
Build Responsibly

Follow floodplain development regulations.

Blue outline icon of rain cloud, plant and line.
Protect Natural Floodplain Functions

Learn ways you can help protect our floodplains.

Flood Insurance Rate Maps

Learn if your property is located in a special flood hazards area.

Icon representing Document
Hazard Mitigation Plan

The purpose of the plan is to identify, assess, and mitigate hazard risk to better protect the people and property within Currituck and Dare Counties from the effects of natural and human-caused hazards.