The Currituck County Board of Commissioners conducted a successful day-long retreat with staff from the Planning & Inspections Department on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. Held at the Public Safety Center, the meeting provided opportunity for discussion on a variety of topics and allowed the Board to give staff direction on certain items.
Commissioners met with Bill Newns, Director of Planning & Inspections; Jennie Turner, Assistant Planning Director; Stacey Smith, Permit Coordinator; and Rick Godsey, Chief Building Inspector. Also attending were Rebecca Gay, County Manager; Megan Morgan, County Attorney; and Leeann Walton, Clerk to the Board.
The Board members were provided with an overview of staffing needs, recruitment, and training plans for the department. Detailed discussions were held on several topics, including the Land Use Plan, Unified Development Ordinance, Zoning Districts, and the definition of Lot of Record. At the retreat’s conclusion, commissioners provided staff with instructions on text amendments needed to clarify or update county regulations related to major subdivisions, minor subdivisions, and sidewalks.

Bill Newns, Planning Director, addresses members of the Board of Commissioners and county administrative staff during the retreat.