Soil & Water Conservation
The Albemarle (Currituck) Soil & Water Conservation District develops and carries out programs for conservation and protection of soil and water resources to prevent loss of valuable topsoil and degradation of water quality. We also work with
- Natural Resources Conservation Service
- farmers
- homeowners
- developers
- other agencies
to assist and educate land users in proper care and use of land as it relates to soil and water conservation.
Operating funds are provided by federal, state, and county sources.
Currituck Soil & Water District Board of Supervisors
Manly M. West, Chairman
William Powell, Vice-Chairman
W. Harvey Roberts, Treasurer
The District Board of Supervisors meets on the second Thursday of every other month. Meetings are open to the public. Citizens interested in conservation are encouraged to attend.
Currituck County Soil Survey
Fieldwork for our Soil Survey was performed between 1973 -1979. In 1980 the soil names and descriptions were approved. Unless otherwise indicated, all references stated in the Soil Survey Publication are referring to soil conditions in 1979.
This soil survey was made cooperatively by the:
- Soil Conservation Service
- North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development
- North Carolina Agricultural Research Service
- North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service
- Currituck County Board of Commissioners.
It is part of the technical assistance furnished to the Albemarle Soil and Water Conservation District.